Sunday, September 14, 2008

Comfortably Numb

Since I started dating again over a year ago, I have rejected people and I have been rejected. I have found that neither one is easier than the other. The more you experience it, the more you become numb to it and move on. Rejection has never been easy for me because I am such a sensitive woman and I am sensitive to how others feel. I definitely appreciate the amount of dating practice that I have had to learn to deal with this. When I was a young adult, it would take me a long time to get over rejection. Sometimes a year or two. It would hit me so hard that I would fall off into a deep depression. Today it is so much easier. I may be distraught for a day or two and then move on. Distraught may be too strong of a word.

DATING TIP FOR MEN AND WOMEN - In order to get over the fear of rejection, you will have to face it. The more you deal with it, the easier it is to get past it. Don't let the fear of rejection keep you from finding love. When you find your true love, it will be worth every bit of rejection that you ever had to face. As they say, practice makes perfect.


Izzy said...

Amen to that!! :-)

bobbyboy said...

Very solid advice, thanks!

Tiff For Tat said...

I spent my early 20s constantly rejecting men, and then it finally happened to me. I was rejected twice in a row by two different men. I was heartbroken but realized karma came back to bite me in the arse. I wish I had been more mature about it back then as now I know how terrible it feels. I know now that I am sorry for my actions back then. It is never easy being the rejector or the rejectee.