Matt told me that he would call me today and I did not hear from him. This hurts a bit because I was just vulnerable with him. He did call me yesterday and said he would call today. Oh great hear we go! Analysis! Why is it that I analyze men when I really start to like them? When I am not as in to them it does not make a difference to me. I am sure the main reason why I have had so many men from my past contact me again lately is because I started to put myself first and focus on me for a change. I think they sensed it. I have always been the side dish and I was finally making me the main course. Now that I messed around with Matt, I feel myself paying a bit more attention to him. I know the rules. I have read all the books. I can't stand the fact that this is my natural reaction. I sometimes wish that I could not have such a conscience after being physical with a man. I wish I could just walk away and not even think about it. I have this fear of rejection and abandonment that is driving the way I think right now. It is so hard to break. I have been going through all of the reasons why he did not call me today...Is he not attracted to me anymore? Am I just a girl that is for fun and not to be serious with? Is he not attracted to my body? I need to snap out of it. I know the thing to do is to focus on me and my goals. I need to have the attitude that he if calls great and if he does not great. But gosh, that will really piss me off if I do not hear from him again. I told him that I don't have sex or mess around with just any guy. He agreed that we would be a regular thing.
I always said that you should hold off sex for at least two months. That gives you time to know if the guy is really trying to get to know you or what you have in between your legs. I wish you the best of luck though and hope he calls you back. You should be strong. Keep me posted.
Sometimes you have to fake it till you make it. I mean, you pretend that nothing bothers you in his presence until eventually, your self-confidence is up so high that it actually doesn't bother you. After 10 years of marriage, I was back on the dating scene at 31. I remarried at 34 to the love of my life. I always say if something happened to him, I'd turn gay. Hang in there. It'll happen for you!
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